13 Weeks Pregnant


The child weighs about 28 grams. He or she looks like a human with large head and short legs, whose head is about one third of the body length. All the bones and muscles are there, about 20 milk teeth rudiments are formed. His or her eyes have moved closer to each other, but the eyelids are still closed. Baby is now able to move, frown and make pouty face. Sense of taste is now fully developed. Small hair appears on the body. Intestines move from the umbilical cord into the abdomen.


You have now more pregnancy hormones in your blood. Fatigue, nausea and irritability in the mornings begin to disappear, and You are feeling good. You belly may feel itchy, as the skin stretches. You should be carefully avoiding viral infections.


  • Make sure that your diet contains enough protein, calcium, and iron.
  • Enjoy your pregnancy and if have You trained intensively until now, then reduce training load.
  • Re-design your home baby-friendly. Do not, however, plan a major redecoration. It is not wise during pregnancy. Be sure to avoid contact with toxic or otherwise poisonous chemicals, such as paints and solvents.
  • Do not leave Your planned change of residence (e.g moving to the larger apartment or house) on the “last minute”, since the resulting stress is not good for the baby. It may even lead to premature delivery.